
Our commitment to future

Our commitment to having a positive impact on the world is at the forefront of everything we do here at Hiborn. We are dedicated to continually finding new ways to help minimize our footprint and create long-term sustainable social and environmental change. Pursure sustainability by making changes to supply networks, manufacturing processes, and business models for a holistic approach.

Renewable Energy

The Hiborn facilities are prowered by 200KW on-site solar energy farm. 60% of our energy needs are now met by solar energy. It is a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels and has a low impact on the enviroment, in addition more cost-competivitive. Our commitment to renewable energy is helping us to reduce our enviromental impact and create a more sustainable future for our business and our planet.

Production Workshop Energy Supply System

We are constantly working to increase the percentage of renewable energy sources to prower our production. We now working with Jiayi New Energy to develop a Green Production solutions, which use hydrogen energy as our main power source. We have solar panels and wind turbines to generate solar and wind energy go to PEM electrolysis water hydro generator to produce hydrogen. The gas will be store in hydrogen storage devices in solid state with 3.5Mpa, which is safer than gaseous hydrogen. Then fuel cells will generate electricity with hydrogen to prower all the facilities in the production workshop. The use of renewable energy help us realize zero greenhouse gas emissions and green production.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.